Faith is like a Stained Glass Window
Posted by Lydia Land on 10th Dec 2018
As I was driving to church in a bitter cold morning, it came to me that my Faith must be stronger than I thought. Why would I get up so early on Saturday, when regular services were just the next day? It was a Holy Day but so many would not bother to attend. Why should I?
At that moment, instead of feeling annoyed or upset at the inconvenience, it came to me that Faith is indeed an indescribably beautiful thing. And mine must be stronger than I had thought. It reminded me of one of my cards: and canvas
One can be on automatic pilot, just following a routine, but moments of feeling connected to God makes your soul shine. No matter what religion one follows, following a path which brings you closer to God or a higher being and being considerate to all, can only make life better. Merry Christmas!